A queer, non-binary Chicago wedding that is also a Cinco de Mayo brunch wedding on Saturday at the Strange Lofts is most welcomed by all. Having a sweet family throwing down with a brunch wedding is a bangin’ way to start off the month of May. Plus, brunch weddings are short and sweet with an entire day still ahead of you! Who says you can’t have an early afternoon dance party? Ashlee and Froilán do it their way and the endless display of love from their community is palpable.
A collection of family and friends to help you construct your wedding day is one way I love to witness clients make the day their own. There’s no need to hire a wedding coordinator when you have willing family and friends. I feel more love in the air when sweat and laughs happen in the hours before the wedding starts. These are the images I love to gather for a complete wedding gallery for my clients: one partner filling the horchata mix while the other is gathering up the flowers for the alter. It showcases how much intention goes into the wedding and sometimes the most intimate moments of the wedding day happen right then and there. These getting ready photos should be just as much part of your wedding album as your ceremony is.